Flash left over after cutting a strut
After cutting a strut with the abrasive disk, there will be razor-sharp
"flash" left over. Do not attempt to remove the flash with your
fingers. It won't work -- you are likely to get a bad cut.
The next steps remove this flash. It is a hazard as you work with the
struts to press and drill them. Removing this flash now reduces the
chances of injury during contruction. The injury you save is most
likely your own.
Pull the flash out with a bolt
Use the threaded side of a bolt to pull the flash out from inside the
Flash pulled out
Here you can see that the flash has all been pulled out. Now it overlaps
the cut end of the strut.
Grind off the flash
Rotate the strut slowly under the tender mercies of a grinding wheel.
Smooth the strut end
After taking care of the edge, grind the end to slightly bevel the inside
edge. This guarantees that all of the flash is removed.
Wire brushing the strut ends
You might think that grinding is enough, but if you feel the end of the
strut it is still sharp, and there may even be some tiny left-over pieces
of flash that somehow escaped the grinding wheel. The wire wheel will
dull everything that remains. When you're done with the wire wheel, there
should be nothing sharp at all at the end of the strut.
The Conduit Seam
You must find the seam in each strut. EMT is welded -- there is a seam
at the weld. You must locate this seam so that you can press the seam
at the right angle. If you do it wrong, you will split the strut at the
seam and the strut will be ruined (although, you might be able to cut the
ends off and make a shorter strut for some other purpose.)
You can find the seam most easily next to an end you have just ground.
In other words, it can be hard to find the seam at the original ends of
the 10' EMT. Look on the other end of each strut. Rotate it in bright
light (or bright sunlight) to spot the seam. DO NOT TRY TO FIND THE SEAM
ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE STRUT! There are lots of seam-like lines along the
length of the outside, but only one on the inside.
Mark the Seam
You will need to find the seam later, so mark it with a pen that can write
on steel, such as a sharpie. I've been frustrated by pencils -- the color
of the pencil mark is too similar to the metal.