Here is a list of tools you'll need:
- Electric drill/screwdriver
- Jigsaw
- Router or a file or a sanding block
- 3/4" drill bit
- 5/32" drill bit (or to suit your screw-eyes)
- Tape measure
- Carpenter's square, or something that works like one (such as a sheet of paper or a vinyl album cover)
- A glue gun (for use with a tube of construction adhesive)
- A screwdriver to use as a leverage tool.
Here is a list of materials you'll need. There are pictures of most of these parts in the pages which follow. Review all the pages before going to buy parts.
- Some sand or "Tread Tex", and some paint, for making a slip-resistant surface for the bottom of your shower. You'll need a paint brush too.
- 6 three-way PVC corners. Each has 2 3/4" slip fittings and 1 1/2" threaded fitting.
- 6 3/4" PVC tee fittings.
- 6 1" straight PVC slip fittings.
- 6 1/2" threaded to 1/2" PVC slip fittings.
- 6 1/2" slip to 1" slip PVC adaptors.
- 1 small can of PVC adhesive.
- 1 length of 1/2" PVC (you really only need about 1 foot of it)
- 4 lengths of 1" PVC
- 2 lengths of 3/4" PVC
- 1 2" long piece of 1/2" water pipe threaded on each end. There is about 1/2" of unthreaded section in the middle.
- 1 brass 90 degree bend for 1/2" pipe (both ends threaded)
- About 1 foot of 1/2" outside diameter vinyl host.
- A piece of 1/2" thick plywood about 3 feet square. Mine was 30" by 36". If you have really heavy people who want to use the shower, make it 3/4" plywood.
- Enough scrap plywood to make eight pieces approx 4" by 10".
- A 2x4 (you'll only need about six feet of it)
- Enough 3/4" shelf material to go around the permiter of the plywood. It should be about 5" to 6" wide. I used 1x12 and cut it lengthwise down the middle.
- One tube of construction adhesive.
- One tube of silicon caulking.
- A box of 1" drywall screws.
- 4 or more 1" long screw-eyes.
- 4 bungie balls.
- A solar shower bag.
- About 100 feet of rope -- enough to hang the shower bag and secure the shower to the ground.
- 4 lengths of 5/8" rebar
- One "fun-noodle"
- Four tennis balls with a 1/2" hole drilled in each.
- Some duct tape.